Top 10 Mirrodin Besieged cards

Mirrodin Besieged is out!  I'm loving it all the way after a great prerelease playing the Phyrexian faction.  I thought that Phyrexians would win it all the way but I was wrong.  Anyway, the Mirrodin Besieged prerelease is another story for another entry.  For now, I'm on top of things listing my choices for Top 10 Mirrodin Besieged cards.

Honorable mention: Creeping Corrosion

The theme for my top 10 list seems to be "Destroy a lot of permanents."  Creeping Corrosion just couldn't make it into the top 10 but it's a great utility card to rid of all those pesky artifacts.  For now, with decks usually being color-oriented, it doesn't warrant such a need to be higher in the list.

10. Rally the Forces

Rally the Forces is one of two red cards and I find it amusing that they are both common.  It seems that red is being pushed to be aggressive and creature based, a far cry from the red blasting from before.  What makes Rally the Forces a little bit better from its predecessors is that it adds first strike.  That is enough to gain an upper hand in a setting where there's a deadlock.

9. Inkmoth Nexus

The only land in the list makes it 1 out of 2 for Mirrodin Besieged lands (not counting the basic lands).  The Infect ability that the creature it becomes has makes it a great card helping to tighten the clock on the opponent.

8. Victory's Herald

This is quite a finisher for white (and even red, if paired with the color for faction purposes).  Everybody just loves it when they get all creatures to fly.  What makes this card rated lower than it should be is the expensive casting cost.

7. Massacre Wurm

This is one bad ass black card.  During the prerelease, I got to pull off killing an overextending opponent's 5 creatures after casting Massacre Wurm.  That got me to deal 10 life loss.  I turned around the game from thereon.  So, my listing seems to be a bit biased but Massacre Wurm is a great salute to its predecessor.  Good casting cost at good power/toughness.  And, if the opponent gets to stop the wurm from attacking, the life loss ability is still right there doing damage.

6. Concussive Bolt

The second of the red cards is a doozy.  It's quite the finisher and not just because of the damage it deals.  The metalcraft ability should be easy to achieve and is the main reason why Concussive Bolt is smacked right around the middle of my list.  Red can easily create a deck that revolves around artifacts and lots of creatures.  Get it all together then BAM! Game over.  Opponent has no chance of blocking the attackers.

5. Black Sun's Zenith

The Zeniths are Mirrodin Besieged's version of the Beacons from Fifth Dawn.  The Zeniths, so far, are fair but two of them are in this list.  Black Sun's Zenith is a killer and if it shouldn't kill all, at least it has impaired the rest that remains.

4. Green Sun's Zenith

And right next to the Black Sun's Zenith is the green version.  Green is just chock full of big and powerful creatures.  And why stop there?  Those big Eldrazi legends from Rise of the Eldrazi are just ripe to be searched.  Ditto the fatties from the other colors.  And green is just the right color, with its ability to generate lots of mana.

3. Phyrexian Rebirth

White seems to get all the fun with massive creature removal.  And to top it all off, you can put a creature into the battlefield, all in one smooth swoop.  It's quite nice that the designers and developers decided to leak the Phyrexian faction into white otherwise it would just be too good in black.  The Phyrexian faction are forced to play white.

2. Thrun, the Last Troll

How ironic that there's no blue card in my list.  And in number 2 is one card that just screams, "I HATE BLUE!"  Thrun is not just against blue cards.  For every card out there that says "Destroy all creatures", Thrun will just reply with a simple regenerate.  Making him a legendary creature hurts but a single Thrun should bring in a lot of damage.

1. Blightsteel Colossus

This card just seems to scream "I WIN" and you would just believe it.  There is no other card that can do it in one attack (and even give you an extra poison counter just for keeps).  Darksteel Colossus whimpers at the sight of the new colossus.  Would I be seeing it in a deck soon?  People are talking about using Shape Anew to get this card out faster.  There are several other options like Kuldotha Forgemaster (and even Mass Polymorph).  By itself, the card is a winner and rightfully so.

I find it amusing that Mirrodin Besieged, being the second set of the Scars of Mirrodin block, does not have glaringly good artifacts save for the number 1 card in my list.  Power is well distributed among the colors and as usual, blue is circumcised.

I can't wait for the next expansion and you heard it from here first, it's going to be New Phyrexia.  Why do I say so?  Because it would be just too boring if the good guys (and I presume that it's the Mirrans who are the good guys) win.  More conflict would mean more stories.